
Applications are Open for IoT Device Cyber Certifiers

The FCC is seeking volunteers to serve as administrators for a new cybersecurity labeling program, allowing consumers to identify products less vulnerable to cyberattacks.

NIST Releases New Draft of Digital Identity Proofing Guidelines

The new draft of NIST's digital identity proofing guidelines includes updates to accommodate passkeys and mobile driver's licenses, as well as options for identification without using biometrics like facial recognition.

Nearly 200 Firms Have Signed Pledge to Build More Secure Software, Top Cyber Official Says

The initiative, called Secure by Design, was introduced by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency at the RSA Conference, with an initial 70 firms committing to improving security features.

Cyberattacks Still Ravage Schools, Defying White House Efforts Launched Last Year

Last year, the White House launched an initiative to strengthen school cybersecurity, but cyberattacks on schools persist. Private sector resources have been utilized by thousands of school districts to enhance their defenses.

Critical Infrastructure Group Launches Effort to Aid Federal Agencies’ Cyber Defenses

The Center for Federal Civilian Executive Branch Resilience, launched by the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology, aims to enhance standards and procedures for protecting government agencies from cybercriminals and nation-state hackers.

New NSA AI-powered Tool Would Help Industry Optimize Cyber Defense Testing

The Autonomous Penetration Testing platform would replace much of the laborious, manual process of such testing, where organizations use vulnerability scanning tools and other methods to measure the robustness of their cyberdefenses against hackers

New Tech, Personnel Will Help CISA with Coming Rush of Cyber Incident Reports

The CISA is working to comply with the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act of 2022, requiring critical infrastructure providers to report cybersecurity incidents and ransomware attacks within specific timeframes.

US Senate Panel Advances Cyber Regulatory Harmonization Bill

The Streamlining Federal Cybersecurity Regulations Act, led by senators Gary Peters and James Lankford, would create an interagency group to synchronize U.S. cyber regulatory regimes and establish a pilot program for testing new frameworks.

Several DOD IT Programs Still Don’t Have a Cyber Strategy, Watchdog Finds

The U.S. Government Accountability Office's annual assessment of the Defense Department's IT spending revealed that several programs lack approved cybersecurity strategies, leaving them vulnerable to potential cyberattacks.

CISA Conducts AI-Driven Cyber Tabletop Exercise With Government and Industry

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) conducted its first tabletop exercise with over 50 AI experts from the government and industry to understand and mitigate digital threats to AI systems.

Defend Against Threats with Cyber Fusion

Cyware is the leading provider of cyber fusion solutions that power threat intelligence sharing , end-to-end automation and 360-degree threat response.

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