
September 20, 2024

UNC1860 and the Temple of Oats: Iran’s Hidden Hand in Middle Eastern Networks

UNC1860 has been observed using victim networks as staging areas for additional operations, targeting entities in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. They overlap with APT34, assisting in lateral movement within compromised organizations.

North Korean Threat Actors Deploy COVERTCATCH Malware via LinkedIn Job Scams

Once installed, COVERTCATCH downloads a second-stage payload to compromise macOS systems. This tactic is part of various activity clusters, including Operation Dream Job and Contagious Interview.

Stealthy Memory-Only Dropper Delivers PEAKLIGHT Loader on Windows Systems

A memory-only dropper decrypts and executes a PowerShell-based downloader known as PEAKLIGHT, allowing for the distribution of malware such as Lumma Stealer, Hijack Loader, and CryptBot.

TLS Bootstrap Attack on Azure Kubernetes Services can Leak Sensitive Credentials

A new threat known as "WireServing" has been identified in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) by Mandiant. This vulnerability could have allowed attackers to escalate privileges and access sensitive credentials within compromised clusters.
July 20, 2024

APT41 Has Arisen From the DUST

APT41, a China-based hacking group, has targeted organizations in shipping, logistics, media, technology, and automotive sectors in Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, and the U.K. since 2023.

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