If you are a frequent WhatsApp user and spend a lot of time on the app, then you need to beware. The warning is issued by the company’s CEO Will Cathcart on his personal Twitter handle, who has asked the users to be on their guard after his security team discovered fake apps in the form of malware, attempting to steal users’ personal information.
Diving into details
Malware authors often host infected premium apps outside the official app stores on other platforms, also called third-party platforms, for users to download.
According to What Cathcart, the malware programs promised new features but were specifically designed to steal personal information stored on victims’ phones.
The Twitter thread follows a warning against an Android app called 'Hey WhatsApp.'
The malware developer was in fact hosting more malicious apps on its website.
Is your WhatsApp account safe?
The answer is yes, but only if you download your WhatsApp or upgrade the version from your official app store and not third-party accounts.
Google Play Protect on Android now detects and disables previously downloaded versions of the fake WhatsApp apps.
Besides, the Google Play store is unlikely to experience any threat from these fake apps.
WhatsApp recommends users to access their official download page and download the software from authorized retailers. If WhatsApp discovers proof of users using unsupported versions on their smartphones, it has in the past issued users with temporary bans. Avoiding unauthorized downloads and adhering to WhatsApp's guidelines for ethical app use is the best course of action.