According to sources, a cyberattack has forced Uber to shut down several internal communications and engineering systems.
What happened?
Uber has confirmed that its high-security internal systems suffered a data breach by a hacker who claims to now have access to the company’s sensitive data. The company tweeted that it is investigating the incident, along with law enforcement authorities.
The attackers provided screenshots of the company's IT systems, Windows domain, Slack server, and email dashboard.
They additionally appeared to have access to Uber's Amazon Web Services dashboard and Google-hosted cloud infrastructure and used them to issue breach notifications.
Diving into details
As per The New York Times report, the operator carried out a social engineering attack on an employee’s Slack account to gain initial access.
An internal message was sent by the hacker from the compromised Slack account to the rest of the Uber employees, informing them about the breach.
The hacker made use of the stolen credentials to gain access to the company’s internal systems containing classified information. It is not known if any customer data has been compromised.
The breach has reportedly given the bad actor access to all private vulnerability reports on HackerOne, which is Uber’s bug bounty program.
Uber's security team has secured the company’s data, however not before significant harm has been done. Given that the corporation has already paid large sums of money to hackers, it is not surprising that the bad actors continue to target them. One error was all it took to shake Uber, which is why businesses must have the correct security measures in place to keep one step ahead of hostile hackers.