FortiGuard Labs recently discovered an email phishing attack that tricks people into downloading a malware loader. The loader’s payloads include OriginBotnet (for keylogging and password recovery), RedLine Clipper (a cryptocurrency stealer), and AgentTesla (to harvest sensitive information).
Modus operandi
The phishing email includes a malicious Word document containing a blurred image and fake reCAPTCHA to lure the recipient into clicking on it, which in turn activates a malicious link embedded in a Word document.
The malware loader then goes through multiple stages, including decoding resource data, establishing persistence, decrypting a PowerShell command, duplicating files for automatic startup, invoking methods from decrypted DLLs, and triggering the execution of additional files.
This loader uses a binary padding evasion technique that adds null bytes to make the file look bigger, around 400 MB.
RedLine Clipper
RedLine Clipper (aka ClipBanker) is specifically designed to steal cryptocurrencies by replacing the user’s system clipboard activities with the wallet address under the control of attackers.
The stolen cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dashcoin, and Monero.
Upon execution, OriginBotnet scans running processes to determine if it is active within the environment.
Subsequently, it collects sensitive data, establishes communications with C2 servers, and downloads additional files to execute keylogging and password recovery functions on compromised devices.
The sensitive data collected contains the victim’s device details such as installed AntiVirus Product, CPU, GPU, country, OS name, and username.
Besides, the password recovery function executed on compromised systems targets a wide range of browsers and software applications such as Chromium, Yandex, Chrome, Outlook, SmartFTP, FileZilla, FlashFXP, NordVPN, and Discord.
The attack involves a complex chain of events that ultimately causes the execution of three payloads in a series. This demonstrates the sophistication of techniques to evade detection and maintain persistence on compromised systems. To stay safe, it is recommended to deploy a robust email security solution and an IDR to thwart such threats in the initial stage.