The backdrop
The interconnected devices and computers that control physical processes are known as Operation Technology (OT). Common examples include traffic lights, electricity grid in appliances, and signalling systems for trains.
Threat actors have been observed to be capable of compromising IT systems, and subsequently the connected OT systems.
The masterplan focuses on boosting the factors of People, Processes, and Technology through four thrusts:
Objectives of the masterplan
Primarily for the Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) owners who operate OT systems, the masterplan has the following objectives:
“CII sectors delivering essential services are facing greater cyber threats today. There is a need to focus efforts on safeguarding CII sectors provisioning essential services. We hope that with the timely publication of the OT Cybersecurity Masterplan, it can drive efforts to address some of the people, process and technology challenges faced by CII sectors operating OT systems,” Lim Thian Chin, Director, Critical Information Infrastructure (CII), Cyber Security Agency of Singapore.