An overview
The value of global e-commerce retail sales is expected to reach over $4.9 trillion by 2021, with 24 million e-commerce sites in the world and 2-3 million e-commerce companies (excluding China). Recently, research from Imperva reflected the impact of ‘bad bots’ targeting the booming e-commerce industry.
According to the report, bad bot traffic makes up 17.7% of the e-commerce website traffic.
What more the report says
The researchers analyzed 16.4 billion requests from 231 domains during July 2019.
“E-commerce companies are in a continuous and varied war against bad bots. There are consistent business problems created that are caused by the continual barrage of bots,” the report read.
Various goals and attack methods
There are many perpetrators of bad bots within the e-commerce sector itself. These may include:
The bad bots behavior
As noted by Imperva, the attackers use highly-popular browsers to hide their identities. Here’s the browser data distribution:
Comments and observations by experts
Tiffany Olson Kleemann, VP of bot management at Imperva, said this study shows that bad bots cause round-the-clock damage on e-commerce websites, APIs, and mobile apps.
“We agree with the approach taken in proposed legislation to ban the use of ‘Grinch bots’ and ‘sneaker bots,’ which are used to scalp limited edition, high-demand inventory, yet we know from first-hand experience that legal action alone is not enough. Online retailers must also practice good web security hygiene and take advantage of the technology solutions at their disposal to protect their websites and customers. Gaining a granular understanding of bot threats is a critical first step in the right direction.”