The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) provides standards to boost global payment account data security.
Understanding CPoC
The PCI Contactless Payments on COTS (CPoC) Standard and supporting validation program allows vendors to provide merchants with contactless acceptance solutions.
“The PCI CPoC Standard is the second standard released by the Council to address mobile contactless acceptance. Specifically, the PCI CPoC Standard provides security and test requirements for solutions that enable contactless payment acceptance on a merchant COTS device using an embedded NFC reader,” said Emma Sutcliffe, PCI SSC Standards Officer.
Elements of a CPoC solution
A standard CPoC solution includes the following:
CPoC solutions do not permit software-based PIN entry. The security element in these solutions is said to rely on elements such as attestation systems, back-end monitoring, software protection systems, and attestation component on COTS devices.