Researchers from Trustwave have spotted a new wave of various spam campaigns that are from the same spam botnet. This campaign is dubbed as ‘Chameleon’ since it often changes its email templates.
More details about the campaign
Researchers started tracking the spam emails sent from the botnet since August 14, 2019, and observed that this spam campaign often resembles phishing emails, however, the messages have randomized email headers.
Variants of spam emails
Researchers noted that the spam botnet sent out variants of spam emails, which include:
Some of the subject lines used in these spam emails include:
Worth noting
The spam emails included embedded URLs. Upon examining the URLs, researchers determined that the scammers used compromised WordPress sites as intermediary nodes to host part of their infrastructure on. A redirector JavaScript code is hosted on such compromised WordPress sites in order to route traffic onto the malicious infrastructure.
“Clicking and following the embedded links in the spam message we noticed that our test browser was bounced off a couple of redirector sites before it reached the final landing page. Looking closer, we observed that all the spam links pointed to initial redirector pages hosting the same JavaScript content,” researchers said.