Threat actor group APT34, which is backed by the Iranian government, got a taste of its own medicine recently after a group of hackers exposed its infrastructure and tools. A group known as Lab Dookhtegan has disclosed privy information regarding APT34, on a Telegram channel. The group has put out a collection of tools, intrusion points of victims’ targeted, IP addresses along with identities and photographs of the persons behind APT34.
Worth noting
What next?
Lab Dookhtegan has also warned that it would be releasing more information on a regular basis and has lashed out at the Iranian government.
“We are exposing here the cyber tools (APT34 / OILRIG) that the ruthless Iranian Ministry of Intelligence has been using against Iran’s neighboring countries, including names of the cruel managers, and information about the activities and the goals of these cyber-attacks. We hope that other Iranian citizens will act for exposing this regime’s real ugly face!," was the message left on the Telegram channel.