It has been discovered that mobile applications of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari were not warning users of impeding phishing attacks from dangerous websites. A research project put forth by academics from Arizona State University in collaboration with PayPal unearthed the issue.
The project -- dubbed as PhishFarm, found that the Google Safe Browsing(GSB) blacklist service used in these browsers had a flawed functionality which led to the issue.
What is PhishFarm?
Issue rectified soon
After the PhishFarm team concluded the tests, they contacted Google as well as Mozilla. Google rectified the issue in GSB by the end of 2018.
“As a result, in mid-September 2018 Mozilla patched Firefox (from version 63) such that all desktop warnings were also shown on mobile. Google followed suit days thereafter with a GSB API fix that covered mobile GSB browsers retroactively; mobile Chrome and Safari now mirror desktop listings,” told the team.