Threat actors infected Luzerne County’s systems with a virus causing the county to shut down the majority of its servers.
What happened?
A county worker opened a malicious attachment sent by attackers via a phishing email, which led to the virus infection.
County officials learned about the incident on May 25, 2019, after the County computer network monitoring systems started displaying warnings about an unusual virus activity. Upon which, the County shut down the impacted systems to prevent the infection from spreading.
What is the impact?
However, a few computers were operational in the county clerk of courts office. The county 911 department and emergency management agency servers, as well as election results servers, were not impacted as they were kept on an isolated standalone network.
What was the immediate action taken?
David Parsnik, County Administrations’ Services Division Head said on May 29, 2019, that the clean-up process might take several days to complete and that the servers might be shut down until June 03, 2019, in order to properly remediate any damage caused by the virus attack.
“Court employees are working very hard to minimize disruptions, but in a world where we’re dependent on computers, it will take a huge effort by staffers,” County Court Administrator Michael Shucosky said, Times Leader reported.