Driving digital information each day became a challenge with a rise in the number of online users, devices, and applications. In order to meet this challenge, data warehouse and data lakes became relevant.
These online spaces are popular among businesses for internal data processing and storage.
Data warehouse and Data lake
Increasing threats to data lakes
Types of threats
Malware obfuscation: Due to advances in malicious software, it can be easy for hackers to hide dangerous malware within a harmless-looking file.
False data injection attacks: This type of attack happens when a cybercriminal exploits freely available tools to compromise a system connected to the internet. The compromised system is injected with false data in order to gain unauthorized access to the data lake and further manipulate the stored data.
Mining sensitive information: Data lakes are a rich source of sensitive data. Lack of proper security controls can allow cybercriminals to corrupt IT specialists’ or organizations’ businesses by mining unprotected data. Later, they can sell it on underground market places or rival companies for their monetary benefits.
Given the huge trove of data stored in data lakes, the consequences of cyberattacks are far from trivial. While the amount of data generated in today’s world is inevitable, it is crucial that data lake architecture should try harder to ensure that these data repositories are correctly looked after.