Internet of Things has revolutionanized the internet connectivity in the world. With IoT as the base, several devices have spawned in the recent past. The functions and utility of those devices will blow anybody's mind. However, like all things new, IoT devices are in their initial stage and are not entirely perfect. They're laced with bugs, vulnerabilities, hardware limitations and all those things that trouble a beginner. Therefore, we bring you five tips to keep your IoT devices as safe and secure as possible.
1. Connect your devices only when necessary
First, check the usage and functionality of a product before bringing it onto the network. Just because a smart TV or a refrigerator has a feature to connect with internet, it doesn’t mean that you have to definitely connect these devices. It is always recommended to have a good look at all features IoT offers and learn their use.
2. Create a distinct network
When you have friends or guests at your home, you may feel uncomfortable sharing your Wi-Fi passwords. Therefore, it is advisable to create a guest network with limited access, where anybody connecting to the network can browse internet without accessing your files and folders. This wall of separation will protect your privacy and works well for your IoT devices.
3. Turn off Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)
Much has been talked about the convenience of USB Plug and Play services. However, with increased convenience, comes great risk. UPnP is designed for easy connect, which means nearby IoT devices can easily connect to internet without configuration. This advantage can be misused by malicious actors to launch an attack on your network or creep in a malware that can transfer information without your knownledge.
4. Cloud services--Don't trust them all
The world is increasing being reliant on cloud services, IoT devices aren't spared either. This cloud service may not be necessary for your IoT device, nevertheless, some devices ask for connecting to a cloud service. Therefore, see to it that you connect to cloud services only if its quintessential. Read their policies before taking the plunge into the cloud world.
5. Don't miss the latest firmware update
A new firmware update is like a revived shield to your device. Vendors fix a lot vulnerabilities and bugs in their updated versions of firmware. So ensure you install the latest firmware for better protection to your IoT devices. It's always good to enable automatic updates, so that your device is up-to-date as and when there's a new patch released.