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Five Things that Every IoT Device Owners Should Know

Five Things that Every IoT Device Owners Should Know

Internet connected devices attract maximum users due to its cozy features. It is fun to use IoT, but at the same time it is also important to take suitable security measures. Leaving IoT devices unsecured is equivalent to leaving our home unlocked. Here are five important things that every IoT device owner should know to protect their devices.

1. Don’t connect your devices unless it is necessary

The very basic step every device owner should check is what functionality they need from a device. Just because a smart TV or a refrigerator has a feature to connect with internet, it doesn’t mean that you have to definitely connect these devices. It is always recommended to have a good look at all features IoT offers and learn their use.

2. Create a separate network

It is recommended to choose Wi-Fi routers that support guest networking. It enables IoT device owners to connect with that particular network without gaining access to shared files or networked devices. This kind of separation works very well for IoT devices and keep the devices safe, as well.

3. Turn off Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)

Most of us are unaware that UPnP can make routers, cameras and other devices vulnerable to cyberattack. UPnP is designed for easy connect, which means nearby IoT devices can easily connect to internet without configuration. The problem is that cybercriminals can also possibly attack this network and because of vulnerabilities in the UPnP protocol, they can easily hack IoT devices.

4. Be wary of cloud services

A lot of IoT devices completely depend on cloud services, but IoT devices do not require cloud services. This cloud service not only make devices work eve when the network is down, but it may also sync sensitive data. Hence, ensure you read the privacy policy and look for reassurances about encryption and data protection.

5. Make sure you have the latest firmware

If you want to ensure the safety of your IoT devices, you need to take every precautionary care to reduce the chances of a successful attack. And to do this, it is essential to keep your firmware completely updated. Vulnerabilities and exploits has to be fixed as they emerge. It is a good idea to set a schedule to check for updates every three months or so.

Cyware Publisher

