Some people may find the official WhatsApp app limiting. Therefore, they turn to modified WhatsApp clients that offer the features certain users desire. However, one such popular mod was found carrying a trojan.
What’s up?
A version of FMWhatsApp, a popular WhatsApp mod, was found to carry a trojan. Dubbed Triada, the trojan downloads malicious apps on victims’ devices and is found in version 16.80.0 of FMWhatsApp. While Triada was previously found to be propagated by APKPure, this one comes with extended features - making it dangerous.
Why this matters
Triada initially gathers data about the victim’s mobile phone and subsequently, downloads trojans into the device. These trojans are capable of launching ads, subscribing users to paid services, and logging into the WhatsApp account to intercept confirmation messages. It becomes difficult for users to detect potential threats as the mod delivers additional features as it promises.
Protect yourself
One of the sure-shot ways to keep malware off from your smartphone is to practice caution and safe use of the device. Kaspersky has provided the following recommendations:
Do not install apps from unofficial sources and deny installation permissions on your device.
Use official messaging apps and download them from official app stores.
Review all the permissions granted to apps that are already installed and revoke any unnecessary or intrusive permissions.
Install a mobile antivirus app.
The bottom line
While modified app versions do come with several desirable functionalities, they also come with their own share of cybersecurity threats. Similar to most pirated software that are laced with malware, WhatsApp mods can be hiding malicious artefacts. It is recommended to follow the preventative measures stated above and stay safe.