Attackers often use social networks in malvertising and spam campaigns to extort significant financial gains. A newly discovered malware campaign is abusing Facebook and YouTube accounts and using the compromised devices to mine for cryptocurrency.
Hijack of SM platforms
According to Bitdefender, the new S1deload Stealer info-stealer is hijacking social media accounts of users using adult lures.
Attackers are pushing adult-themed archives in the comment section of social media platforms and blending them with social engineering tactics to trick users.
These archives contain an executable signed with a valid Western Digital digital signature and a malicious DLL embedded with the final payload.
Once installed on victims' devices, S1deload Stealer operators can instruct it to perform several tasks after connecting to the C2 server.
Abusing stolen credentials
After stealing valid credentials of a victim’s Facebook account, the malware uses the Facebook Graph API to determine whether the victim is the admin of a Facebook page or group, pays for ads, or is linked to a business manager account.
The attackers use the newly obtained credentials to create a feedback loop by spamming on social media and infecting more machines, almost like a botnet.
They can earn money by selling services to boost other people’s Facebook or YouTube accounts.
Malware functionalities
S1deload Stealer is capable of downloading and running additional components, including a headless Chrome web browser. The browser is used to artificially boost view counts on both YouTube videos and Facebook posts by emulating human behavior.
The malware can also deploy a stealer or a cryptominer on other systems. While the stealer can decrypt and download saved credentials and cookies from a victim’s browser, the cryptominer uses the infected PC to mine for BEAM cryptocurrency.
Stay safe
Whether it’s on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media, users are advised to be careful when clicking on unrelated/ unwanted links. With the ongoing S1deload Stealer campaign, if anyone accidentally downloaded malware onto their systems, they are advised not to run the executable file after unzipping them.